Countryman's Story At The Bar (Ballad)

The man came home a little late,
rushed to the kitchen, checked on empty pots.
he'd drove pass bars and restaurants for he knew she's home.
he was so hungry and his stomach hurts

She said, hey, darling, what are you looking for?
if you want something to eat
go find yourself something nice
for I'm so tired I couldn't eat

His jaw dropped in awe as she said,
darling, I'm so tired I forgot I'm a dame.
my boss asked much from me, today
and tomorrow might be worse, for that's his aim.

The country man shook his head and said
hey, darling, hey woman this is Nigeria
you'd better get your bum up
and go fix what I'd eat for this is Nigeria

She jumped from her bed mumbling
words in the kitchen doing what she's able
even as she's tired, she had to hasten up
before the countryman falls asleep while watching cable.
Countryman's story at the bar ©  I.J. Kalia


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