The true essence of journalism is to provide, distribute and report reliable information or current events to the citizens, supported with proof of evidence. Journalism is dated back to the seventeenth century, reporting news to the general public in a standardized fashion. While the news hasn’t changed a bit through the centuries, the professional description of journalism has been in a continuous shift in this rapidly changing world.

In this rapid changing world of extensive technological advancement, journalism as well as many other professions would either adapt or plunge.  The media landscape has seen great significant changes since the turn of the twenty first century, due to the proliferation of the internet and smartphones. The ambivalent prospects of communication complexity of current global conditions and the availability of internet opposed the traditional Journalistic format of newspapers, magazines, television and other news channels. This revolution has created a shift in the consumption of print media channels, as most people progressively consume news through e-readers, smartphones and other personal electronic devices.

In the world today, there is a great surge in the rise of citizen or street journalism; an alternative and activist form of news gathering and reporting that functions outside mainstream media institution, playing an active role in process of collecting, reporting, analysing, and disseminating news and information and this mount pressure on the professional journalists to report news promptly and before their competitors.

Today, news organizations are rapidly going digital and are challenged to monetize their digital annex as well as improvise on the context in which they publish in print.  With the advancement of the internet, online journalism has become the norm and in other to survive in this profession, you either adapt or nosedive.


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